SEPA platform is a common denominator for a set of applications and services which are used to enable interconnection between railway ticketing systems and reservation systems, as well as to provide access to several UIC services.
SEPA Reservation System, which is the biggest part of the SEPA platform, has already been in full operation for two and a half years. During that period it has provided hosting for trains of SZ, MAV-START, OEBB and European sleeper not only for reservations, but also for integrated reservation tickets. SZ and European sleeper use it as their only distribution system for reservations and tickets, while other railway undertakings use it to make reservations for trains hosted in SEPA.
SEPA reservation system fully complies with the UIC standards. The compliance was confirmed during the testing phase when the system was thoroughly tested with major European railway undertakings. These tests included not only technical conformity, but also financial conformity with the UIC standard.
Administration applications are a vital part of the system, allowing on-line management of train, timetable and tariff data. They are designed to always preserve data integrity and control the administrators in a way that minimizes operating errors. Each railway has its own administrators/users that can manage its inventory management and view the reservation transactions.
SEPA platform enables connection to other ticketing systems in Europe. One of these connections enable passengers of Slovenian railways to buy low-cost tickets of German Railways for Germany and 14 other countries with rail connections to Germany.