How SEPA solves EPA issues?

ISSUE: EPA is not going to support adding personal data

  • SEPA include personal data protection requirement technology as basic functionality and will be fully GDPR compliant

ISSUE: EPA is not suitable for Internet and mobile sales

  • SEPA structure is designed to enable Internet and mobile platforms

ISSUE: EPA is not going to comply to the new standards for electronic tickets

  • SEPA is not only a reservation system, it is a platform which can be easily adopted to connect to other systems like global electronic tickets platforrm from other ticketing/transport solution


Selling tickets for other railways

  • Commission fee of 10% for selling tickets for non-domestic relations can greatly increase profit of international transport
  • It also can provide 60 days of no-interest credit (model)

Using SEPA to host domestic trains

  • SEPA will be a sales channel visible to the market of more than 800 million people

Using SEPA for selling different types of tickets

  • SEPA can be used for international and even domestic ticketing without reservations (also electronic tickets)

How to use SEPA to achieve better results?

Using SEPA advanced tariff options

  • SEPA tariff options include also variable price calculation i.e. based on advanced booking or percentage of free seats

Using SEPA for integrated tickets (train, bus etc.)

  • SEPA is not build/limited only to railway traffic. It can also be used for other modes of transport

Using SEPA for multicity ticketing (e.g. Ljubljana-Istanbul)

  • SEPA is suitable for multicity traffic breaking state barriers. It can be used to connect cities using unique tariff system


SEPA – Railway Ticketing & Reservation Platform


  • EPA primarily acts as the reservation system of DB and 13 other EPA partners for the last 20 years
  • EPA is interconnected with 14 reservation systems from different EU railways. This whole network is known as International Reservation and Information Systems (IRIS),
  • Besides being a reservation system, EPA is able to handle tickets with integrated reservation. EPA also acts as a ticketing system, which means it is able to calculate ticket price,
  • EPA is a distribution channel for DB and EPA partners. EPA enables them to issue reservations and tickets either from EPA or from any other reservation system belonging to IRIS network.


  • EPA is going to be permanently shut down in 2022
  • There is a need to extend the internal reservation system for new opportunities
  • enable other railways to book seats in local trains
  • enable functions available only through 918-1 xml messages
  • to use extended data sets in 918-1 xml messages
  • Huge portion of railways income from international ticketing comes through SEPA as a distribution channel


  • SNCF ban selling of IRT tickets without personal data OEBB is going to implement a new reservation system based on 918-1 xml messages
  • DB is creating new paths to other reservation systems by mitigating EPA
  • Even if EPA continues to provide the service to its partners for a period of time, the long time prospect of this partnership is also questionable


  • New functionalities, like adding personal data or fully complying to GDPR requirements and CIT guidelines must be implemented
  • To make the new reservation system flexible enough to be able to host trains from other railway undertakings
  • To integrate the new reservation system with ticketing system of Slovenian Railways to enable hosting of its domestic trains
  • To have a flexible accounting and reporting system as part of the solution
  • To enable railway undertakings to use the new reservation system as their distribution system

How to use SEPA to achieve better results ?

Selling tickets for other railways

  • Commission fee of 10% for selling tickets for non-domestic relations can greatly increase profit of international transport
  • It also can provide 60 days of no-interest credit (model)

Using SEPA to host domestic trains

  • SEPA will be a sales channel visible to the market of more than 800 million people

Using SEPA for selling different types of tickets

  • SEPA can be used for international and even domestic ticketing without reservations (also electronic tickets)

Using SEPA advanced tariff options

  • SEPA tariff options include also variable price calculation i.e. based on advanced booking or percentage of free seats

Using SEPA for integrated tickets (train, bus etc.)

  • SEPA is not build/limited only to railway traffic. It can also be used for other modes of transport

Using SEPA for multicity ticketing (e.g. Ljubljana-Istanbul)

  • SEPA is suitable for multicity traffic breaking state barriers. It can be used to connect cities using unique tariff system

Summary – why migrate to SEPA ?

  • Functionaly replaces EPA and adds new functionalities (graphics, improved tariffs)
  • Enables Internet and mobile sales
  • Solves EPA issues (SNCF/GDPR issue, add personal data protection requirements)
  • Integrated and multicity ticketing, FSM
  • National tariffs (local ticketing backup or replacement)
  • Increases profit