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SEESARI Special Group confirmed at 94th UIC General Assembly

The proposal of the SEESARI to form a special group within the UIC was unanimously confirmed by the UIC members at the UIC General Assembly on 25th June in Budapest. The SEESARI initiative and Special Group proposal was presented by Chairman of SEESARI dr. Peter Verlič.

The intention to organize a Special Group within the International Union of Railways (UIC) was proposed by the SEESARI members and officially submitted at UIC by some members that are also members of UIC.

The SEESARI Alliance will continue to function as it does. By establishing the Special Group current SEESARI members will have the opportunity to become also a member of the new UIC Special Group and support coordination with UIC. It was agreed that SEESARI project proposals launched within the UIC shall be discussed within the organization and will have the endorsement of the related UIC Working Bodies. This will lead to improved communication and coordination of activities in favor of rail development in SEE Europe which will be beneficial to UIC as well as to the SEESARI members.

Within the next phase annual plan for Special Group will be prepared, based on SEESARI Masterplan already launched this year.

Last year SEESARI has signed an MOU with the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking and is a member of the S2R User Requirements Group. Nearly 60 SEE organizations have signed the SEESARI “Declaration of Intent” for voluntary cooperation, including many of the SEE Railway Operating Companies (UIC members).

For more information about SEESARI, the SEESARI Special Group and its activities please contact SEESARI:

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