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SEESARI increases the European DAC Delivery Programme (EDDP) outreach by joining its Programme Board

SEESARI has recently joined the European DAC Delivery Programme, enabled by Europe’s Rail, and its Programme Board. This programme offers a unique European platform for cooperation and collaboration between railway undertakings, infrastructure managers and wagon keepers, as well as the rail supply industry, entities in charge of maintenance, concerned sector organisations, rail research centres and national and European political institutions, enabling a successful and effective implementation of the Digital Automatic Coupler for European rail freight (DAC) until 2030.

EDDP ensures the necessary actions for a fast, technically and economically feasible European‐wide roll‐out through integrated shared programme building upon R&I results and pilots.

With DAC the sector is addressing the three principal challenges the European rail freight sector is facing – capacity, productivity and quality – all crucial for a more efficient and modern rail freight system. The further reaching value, and the tremendous contribution of DAC to capacity and quality of freight traffic, becomes evident when we look at new functionalities offered for the freight train as a whole via the introduction of power and data lines along the train enabled by DAC.

The sector needs to develop one single European system for full digital rail freight operations, with the ultimate goal to bring the sector into the 21st century. Therefore, SEESARI joining the EDDP represents a relevant milestone for full scale European cooperation, as well as enhancing a diversity of members from SEE region.

As an initial cooperation point with EDDP a forum will be organized on 25th of May 2022 in Vienna. It will gather all relevant stakeholders from SEE region and open a platform for further dialogues on DAC deployment for European rail freight.

For more details visit: Open European DAC Delivery Programme enabled by Europe’s Rail – Shift2Rail