SEESARI General Assembly, organized by SEESARI, Slovenian Railways, Institute of Traffic and Transport Ljubljana and UIC, was held on April 4th, 2019, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The General Assembly was moderated by Peter Verlič, President of the SEESARI Initiative and Director of the Traffic Institute. There were over 30 railway participants from 9 countries at the event.
Main points of the event were:
– Presentation of past activities and the most important: the signed agreement between SEESARI-SHIFT2RAIL and preparation of long-term strategic document “SEESARI Masterplan”.
– A more detailed presentation of the SEESARI Masterplan prepared by the Serbian Railways Expert Group and the Transport Institute (that included vision, goals, strategic orientations, main priorities, main strategic projects and financial resources for financing development railway projects).
– The legal status of SEESARI will be established in order to improve the possibility of obtaining European funds for new development railway projects in the region – members of the association will be the main stakeholders in the field of railways, including the Slovenian Railways.
– The establishment of a special group within the UIC for SE Europe; the founding member will also be Slovenian Railways => a greater possibility of mutual cooperation for new projects in the field of railway development.
– Presentation of a new reservation system for passengers in rail transport.
– Presentation of project ideas of SEESARI partners.
The main objective of the SEESARI initiative stays the connection of interested stakeholders in the field of railways and identification and implementation of innovative solutions and projects that will contribute to the support and development of railways in South-Eastern Europe and also to the wider European rail system.