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SEESARI General Assembly, 4th April 2019, Slovenian Railways (Glass Hall), Ljubljana, Slovenia

SEESARI General Assembly organized by SEESARI, Slovenian Railways, Institute of Traffic and Transport and UIC taking place in Ljubljana on 4th April 2019

Draft agenda of the meeting

  • Registration of participants (9.30–10.00)
  • General assembly (10.00–13.00, including coffee breaks)
  • Welcome speeches
  • Report on past activities
  • Signed Agreement SEEESARI- SHIFT2RAIL – future activities
  • Legal status of SEESARI
  • Presentation of draft SEESARI Masterplan
  • SEESARI Special group within UIC
  • New Rail Passenger Reservation system for our partners (alternative to EPA)
  • Presentation of project ideas, proposals… (by SEESARI members)
  • AOB
  • Lunch (13:00)

Please confirm your participation by the 1st April 2019 at latest through online registration form or by e-mail:

We look forward to meeting you in Ljubljana!