On the occasion of 150th anniversary of the first train in North Macedonia, dr. Peter Verlic, chairman of SEESARI participated as invited speaker at the panel discussion, held in Skopje, on the modernization of the North Macedonian Railways.
Verlič explained experience of Slovenian Railways before and after entering Slovenia to EU. Currently, the North Macedonia is an official candidate for accession to EU and had officially launched negotiations recently.
Verlič said that in the late 90th, when Slovenia became independent state, Slovenian railway system was in very bad shape, but that situation changed when Slovenia became member of the EU. Slovenia fully implemented the EU legislative framework in the field of railways, and on the other hand EU funds and grants fully helped the country to improve the railway infrastructure and it is still so. So there is only one advise for the key stakeholder in North Macedonia, follow the European path, said Mr. Verlic. SEESARI, as network platform for the development of the railways in this region, is ready to assist and help our North Macedonian friends.